Monday, December 3, 2018

Ella Maud by Nicholas Nicastro: A Gripping Mystery Snatched from 19th-20th Century Life

     Ella Maude by Nicholas Nicastro is a mystery thriller that gripped me from the first page until the last.  This book contained subtle plot twists which kept the mystery moving, and me as reader immersed and trying to figure out where it was all going.  Characterization and scene settings are well drawn.  Whether it was an author oversight, intended or my lack of comprehension, not until well into the book that did I realize exactly who Ella Maude was.
     Nell Copsey disappeared around midnight on November 1901.  The scenarios around her disappearance and subsequently realized death make the mystery.  The Prologue sets the tone and draws the reader in by describing what Nell’s sister  Ollie becomes at the culmination of the action.         Nell’s disappearance and death are like tossing a pebble into water; none of the main characters escape misery and havoc in their lives. Nell was her mother’s favorite and in the North Carolina town of Elizabeth, she was perceived as being an ideal of womanhood, sort of a will ‘o the wisp.  Readers find in the last chapter that Nell really was an amusing tease and flirt.

"I Need To Get Over You" by K. D. Black: Short, Sweet, and Spirited


Adopt a Puppy

     "I Need To Get Over You"  by K. D. Black is a perfect book to curl up with on a rainy weekend. It shows that initial appearances are not everything. The action is on romance and not so much on character development. Well written except for a few items misspellings here and there. 
     Three characters - Brooke, Hayden, and Darren (Dad) form a triangle - in which Brooke has a hard time dealing mentally and physically with the two men. Hayden’s sister and niece, plus Ashley, director of an animal rescue center play supporting roles. The shelter and Hayden’s Fortune 500 office are the main action sites with Hayden’s luxurious apartment as an ancillary site.     Author Black cheerfully answers for me, the proverbial question “what if” we put a seemingly uptight businessman together with an intelligent, charmingly sexy, but eccentric woman?

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Fred's Funeral by Sandy Day: A Simple Tale of Familial Love and Emotion

Fred's Funeral 

           Did Uncle Fred really suffer from “shell shock? What was he like? Why was he locked away in Institutions?
Fred, still hovering like a ghost, tries to set the record straight but, of course, he can not. Dawn is tenacious at her questions, and shortly out comes a suitcase of Fred’s letters written during his WWI military experience and memorabilia to flesh out her questions.
           The young relatives cannot, of course, get a full understanding of Fred from the contents of the box he left.
But readers who hover along with Fred can gain understanding from being privy to Fred’s thoughts as well as the suitcase’s contents. Fred probably suffered from what today is termed PTSD. And it might be that Fred as a mental hospital inmate and resident in a nursing home/assisted living facility was subject to modern treatments like heavy mind-altering drugs and electric shock therapy which exacerbated his condition.
           “Fred’s Funeral” is very well-written, concise, to the point is apparently based on real facts. This novella would make a good book club read. Readers gain an exciting interpretation of Fred’s family as the book progresses. We readers also learn about Fred as he recalls times, places and events relevant to him. Some might come to sympathize with Fred; others might not.
Remembrance Day, originally called Armistice Day, is celebrated in British Commonwealth Countries and Veterans' Day in the United States as a national day of remembering and mourning members of all Armed Forces that lost lives for their countries.  Poppy Day is the informal name for This national holiday  in the U.S. and most Commonwealth Countries  started at the end of World War I.  Poppy Day arises from the World War I poem "In Flanders Fields" written by Canadian military doctor Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae. This solemn holiday is on a fixed date, November 11 set to commemorate the end of WW I at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Bodyguard: A Fake Marriage Romance by F. F. Perez: A Quick, Easy-to-Read, and Light-hearted Novella

 By F. F. Perez 

          Lance Savage, an alias used to bury the fact that he is the son of Malcolm Shieldman owner of Shieldman Security Enterprise, and Nancy Corrigan, heir to Corrigan Enterprises, come together when Lance becomes Nancy’s personal bodyguard.
          Nancy learns that William Jameson while attempting to take over her deceased father’s business is trying to murder her.
          Lance proposes a fake marriage between himself and Nancy to keep her close and draw Jameson into admitting his plans. The marriage turns out to be anything but fake as it brings Nancy and Lance firmly together.
          The marriage also draws out and allows the end of the devious Jameson.